Chuck Norris Resigns As An Honorary Scout Master After 35 Years : “I’m Not Sure What They Represent Anymore”

For 35 years, Chuck Norris has taken one Boy Scout Troop on a wilderness adventure for two weeks over the summer. Scouts from across the nation compete in physical challenges and fundraisers to win the coveted prize.

This year, he’s stepping aside.

Norris is famous for these trips, patriots. Some of the finest scouts in history have been through Norris’ boot camp.

“I’ll never forget my experience,” said Boise, Idaho Mayor Joe Barron, “We all fought so hard to win that trip. For two whole weeks we were with Chuck Norris, which meant a break from Mr. Farley, who wasn’t much better than your average priest who can’t seem to keep his spot for long if you catch my drift.”

We weren’t sure exactly where this was going until just now, patriots, but I have to say…love him or hate him you have to be glad that Chuck Norris didn’t turn out to be the pedo in the story. God Bless America.


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