Kobe Bryant’s Widow Vanessa Appears TO BE PREGNANT IN NEW PICS!!!

Kobe Bryant’s wife Vanessa is trending on internet, Media Take Out has learned.Fans are saying that in her most nearly pics, the mom of 4 looks like she may be pregnant with the baby number 5.

Vanessa is now on vacation in Italy, with her 3 children. It was an annual vacation that she took with her kids and their dad, NBA star Kobe Bryant, when he was alive.

It’s not understandable if Vanessa brought anyone else with them on the trip, Media Take Out confirmed.On that vacation, she ran into Kris Jenner and Ciara and Russell Wilson.

The whole group took a image together – and that’s where the speculation began. Vanessa’s husband Kobe died more than 2 years ago. On January 26, 2020, Bryant’s spouse and their daughter Gigi d’ie’d in the Calabasas helicopter c’rash.

She is suing Los Angeles County for invasion of privacy and negligence due to taking images of the suspects of the cra’sh and improperly sharing them. A trial was set for February 22, 2022.

Vanessa has not talked, Media Take Out has learned, about when or whether she intends on da’ting again, and moving on with another partner.

Vanessa is a philanthropist, business executive, and former model. She became a public figure after her wedding to basketball player Kobe Bryant.


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